Standard for liquid CO2 of food grade(GB10621-2006)

1Volume fraction of CO2 content (10-2)               ≥ 99.9
2Volume fraction of moisture (10-6)                          ≤20
3AcidityAcceptance check according to 5.4
4Volume fraction of nitrogen oxide (10-6)                      ≤ 2.5
5Volume fraction of nitrogen dioxide (10-6)                 ≤2.5
6Volume fraction of sulfur dioxide (10-6)               ≤ 1.0
7Volume fraction of total sulfur (calculate according to sulfur, exclude sulfur dioxide)  (10-6)≤ 0.1
8Volume fraction of total hydrocarbon (calculate according to methane)  (10-6)≤50 (Thereinto nonmethane hydrocarbons is less than 20)
9Volume fraction of benzene (10-6)                         ≤0.02
10Volume fraction of methanol (10-6)                      ≤ 10
11Volume fraction of ethanol (10-6)    ≤10
12Volume fraction of aldehyde (10-6)                      ≤0.2
13Volume fraction of other oxy-organics (10-6)              ≤ 1.0
14Volume fraction of Chloroethylene (10-6)                    ≤0.3
15Mass fraction of axunge (10-6)                       ≤5
16Odor, taste and aspect of aqueous solutionInspect to qualified according to 5.10
17Mass fraction of evaporation residue (10-6)                  ≤10
18Volume fraction of oxygen (10-6)                          ≤ 30
19Volume fraction of carbon monoxide (10-6)                 ≤10
20Volume fraction of ammonia (10-6)≤2.5
21Volume fraction of phosphine (10-6)                      ≤0.3
22Volume fraction of hydrogen cyanide (10-6)                    ≤0.5
Remarks: other oxy-organics include dimethyl ether, epoxy ethane, acetone, n-propanol, isopropanol, n-butyl alcohol, isobutanol, ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate.